Moves and Scripts

and how to write them down

Each written move should include the following elements:

Here are guidelines for writing each Requirement into your Script:

Below are examples of moves fully written out. Each contains a Script, formatted so that the Judge can clearly understand and judge the Move's Requirements. These examples are for a group of heroes with a mythical creature theme, and named for their costume's color.

First, an example of a superpower script:

SPIRIT OF TRUTH (W)(M) - level 2 Superpower
Description: The menacing Dragon Spirit arrives to frighten an enemy. The enemy will answer one question truthfully before the Spirit dissipates.

       Green: "Dragon -" ♪♪♪ "- speak truth!"

Here is an example of a Final Attack that may be used by any hero character.

MYSTIC HORN OF DESTINY (W)(G)(P)(M) - level 4 Final Attack
Description: Hero calls forth the mystic horn from underground. Blowing the horn, a powerful rainbow beam shoots from the bell of the horn, striking the enemy.

        Hero: "Come forth, Mystic Horn!" *holds Conch Shell to lips, takes deep breath* ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪

Here is an example of a move that may be used individually, or as a team.

MYSTIC FORMS (W)(G) - level 2 Transformation
  Optional: (W)(G)(T) - level 4 Transformation
Description: Hero changes into superhero outfit themed like a legendary creature, complete with rocket boots. Thunder cracks and their full face mask appears. May be performed individually or as a team.

        Blue: "Power of the Unicorn!" *Raises left hand, looks up to sky*
        Green: "Power of the Dragon!" *Spreads arms out wide, then swoops them down to sides*
        Red: "Power of the Manticore!" *Crosses wrists in front of chest, makes claw hands*

Here is an example of a powerful move that requires the entire team.

MECHACHIMERA ASSEMBLY (W)(G)(A)(P)(T) - level 6 Transformation
Description: summoning the Three Mystic Mechas (if not already summoned), the MechaChimera forms, with MechaManticore forming the Arms (and Stingerwhip), MechaUnicorn forming the chest and head (and Horned Helmet) and MechaDragon forming the back and legs (and Dragon Wings).

        Red: Inserts Manticore Coin into drive slot    "Red here! [Bold assertion]!"
        Blue: Inserts Unicorn Crystal into drive slot   "Blue reporting! [Bad wordplay]!"
        Green: Inserts Dragon tooth into drive slot   "All systems go! [Insult to villain]!"