Glossary and Quick Reference

Ad-libs (A)

Dialog that is made up on the spot, and is different every time you perform the Script. Ad-libs are one type of Requirement you may include in your Move to increase its Move level. Write (W) on your list of Requirements for that Move. In the script, write a vague dialog description in brackets, like this [heartfelt expression of caring], or like this [insult to villain].


A Contest takes place when the heroes go up against the villain (this does not always mean combat, it could also be investigation or anything else where the heroes and villain are at odds). In a contest, a player plays Rock, Paper, Scissors with the Judge to determine whether the heroes or the villain succeed. Tie games go to whoever holds the Upper Hand corresponding to that player. The winner either gains the Upper Hand, or if they already had it, they gain one Victory/Villain point.


A Description is a written part of a Move. It describes what your move looks like. For superpowers, it describes what the power does in the story.

Final Attack

A Final Attack is a kind of Move that is used to finish off the villain for good, and win the game. When used, its Final Attack Level gets added to the total number needed to finish off the villain.

Final Attack Level

This describes how many points a Final Attack adds to the Finishing Total when attempting to finish off a villain for good. The Final Attack Level is equal to the total number of unique Requirements the Final Attack has (but the Teamwork Requirement counts as two).

Finishing Total

Calculated when attempting to finish off a villain for good. Equal to the heroes' transformation level + the heroes final attack level (if a final attack was used) + the number of extra Victory Points spent in excess of the 5 required for the attempt. The villain is then finished off for good if the Finishing Total is greater than the villain's transformation level + current number of Villain points.

Gestures (G)

Movements you perform with your hands, arms, or other parts of your body. Gestures are one type of Requirement you may include in your Move to increase its Move level. Write (G) in your list of Requirements for that Move. In the script, write a clear description of how you will move, and write it with asterisks or italics, like this *raises right hand, fingers spread*, or like this stands up and crosses arms in front of face, hands in fists.


The Judge is responsible for creating the setting of the story, and deciding what the villains do. The Judge is also responsible for judging the performance of Scripts in order to activate Moves. The Judge needs to be creative and flexible, but doesn't need prior experience. Special rules and guidelines for Judges can be found here.

Major Setback

A problem that the villain causes for the heroes. It usually means that the villain becomes more powerful, but may (at the Judge's discretion) allow the heroes to gain new powers from a mentor.


Your hero's powers, written down. A written Move should include a Description, a list of Requirements, and a Script. You are not allowed to look at your Moves or Scripts while playing in Phase 2

Move Level

Equal to the number of Requirements a Move has (the Teamwork Requirement counts as two). A Move Level determines how powerful the Move's effect is. See Transformation Level, Superpower Level, and Final Attack Level.

Music (M)

A sound clip or song played at the correct moment. Music is one type of Requirement you may include in your Move to increase its Move level. Write (M) in your list of Requirements for that Move. In the script, write or draw musical notes where you intend to play the music, like this ♪♪♪♪. If you need some music to play with on short notice, click here.

Phase 1

The first part of the game, where you come up with your Moves, and write Scripts for them. You can also take this time to come up with team Moves, story themes you want to include, and negotiate with the Judge about how many Requirements are needed for a certain Superpower you want.

Phase 2

The second part of the game, where the story jumps into action. The story takes place in several scenes, and ends after the heroes defeat the villain for good. All Contests take place in Phase 2, as well as acting out the Scripts written in Phase 1.

Props (P)

Hand-held items or costume pieces to wear. Props are one type of Requirement you may include in your Move to increase its Move level. Write (P) in your list of Requirements for that Move. In the script, write down the name of the prop in capitalized bold, like this Transmorpher Watch, or like this Sword of Power.


Elements that you must act out when using your Move in Phase 2. The total number of Requirement types used equals the Move level (the Teamwork Requirement counts as two), meaning that using more requirements makes a Move's effect greater. A Move's Requirements must be included in the Move's Script.


A part of a Move, written during Phase 1, that describes in detail how to act out the Move. Scripts must be followed accurately by memory for the Move to work during Phase 2. The Script should include written representations of all the Move's Requirements. Only the Judge may look at the Scripts during Phase 2.


A kind of Move that has effects in the story during Phase 2. The Judge must approve your Superpower, and double check that its effects are appropriate to the Superpower Level. Superpowers may be used (if the Judge agrees) to instigate a Contest, to gain the Upper Hand, or to count as a Final Attack instead.

Superpower Level

A measure of how powerful a Superpower is, abstractly. It is equal to the total number of Requirements the Superpower has (the Teamwork Requirement counts as two). During Phase 1, the Judge should double check that the Superpower Level is appropriate to the effects the power has. See Table 1.

Teamwork (T)

Represents the participation of several team members on the same Move. Teamwork is one type or Requirement you may include in your Move to increase its Move level. The Teamwork Requirement counts as two when calculating Move Level. Write (T) in the list of Requirements for that Move. In the script, write down the names of characters to indicate which character will do which part of the Script. Each teammate's part of the Script must include each of the other Move Requirements.


A kind of Move that used to power up. Using a Transformation makes your character stronger, tougher, faster, larger, or even smarter. This can include biological/magical transformations as well as power armor or giant mecha robots. Transformations have story effects, and add to the total to finish off a villain for good. A character may transform to a level equal or lower than the villain's current transformation level.

Transformation Level

A number between 0 and 6 that represents how strong/fast/big a transformed hero (or a villain) is. When a transformed hero attempts to finish off a villain for good, the Transformation Level is added to the finishing total. Heroes are not allowed to have a higher current Transformation Level than the villain.

Upper Hand

A token indicating whether a hero or the villain has an advantage in Contests. This allows the holder to win tie games of Rock, Paper, Scissors during Contests. There is one Upper Hand token corresponding to each player, and at any time different ones may be held by that player or the villain. The villain begins Phase 2 holding all players' Upper Hand. Players can gain the Upper Hand by transforming, winning Contests, or sometimes by using their Superpowers (Judge's discretion).

Victory Points

Points earned when winning a contest against a villain while holding the Upper Hand. These can be tracked on paper or by using tokens. The heroes must spend at least 5 Victory Points to attempt to finish off the villain for good. Any extra points spent beyond the standard 5 are then added to the Finishing Total.

Villain Points

Points earned by the villain when winning a contest against a hero while the villain holds the Upper Hand. These can be tracked on paper or by using tokens. The villain can spend 4 victory points to give the heroes a Major Setback.

Words (W)

Magic Words spoken aloud, verbatim, as written in the script. Words are one type of requirement you may include in your Move to increase its Move level. Write (W) in the list of Requirements for that Move. In the script, write words in quotation marks, like "Power of the North Wind!" or "Bubble... ... SPRAY!" It is customary, but not required, to use exclamation points.